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Pantun Raya UM 2021 - Part 2

Writer's picture: pantunandstuffspantunandstuffs

Dalam Part 1 kita dah bincang secara panjang lebar (boleh tahan la panjang) berkenaan pantun-pantun yang telah digunakan oleh pejabat-pejabat di UM dalam ucapan raya mereka. Komentari, ulasan, pandangan serta rating telah diberikan. Semua perkara tersebut adalah dari sudut pandang penulis, jadi sebarang pandangan atau mana kurang sependapat, differing opinions are obviously welcomed.

Aku ni pun bukanlah betul sangat. And when it comes to pantun or Malay literature in general, and even language to begin with, I’m still learning, and will always be learning. There will be no enough time to master every single thing about pantun/lit/language in a lifetime, therefore whatever I manifest here and other postings are just knowledge I already owned, accumulated throughout the years, and this much I know I share. Kalau kurang, there’ll be plenty more space to go to complement this. The key is: never stop learning.

With that preamble/disclaimer/pre-mukadimah, let’s continue our discussion on Pantun Raya UM. Miss the first part? Click HERE. In this second part, I will summarize what makes a pantun raya worthy to be called as pantun raya, what are the ideal characteristics and I will bring some samples that I consider as good/adequate (if not great) pantun raya.

The one thing we must know is that a pantun raya is at the very foundation is a pantun. Therefore, the very characteristics i.e. sifat-sifat wajib of a pantun must exist. As for the sifat-sifat wajib, it includes the rhyme structure (most famous of which is abab), the (often) optional internal rhyme, the existence of pembayang and maksud, its pairing and its clear division. To add to that, sometimes there’s some additional criteria such as the syllable count per line, also the metaphorical ties between pembayang and maksud (which is sumpah difficult to get), and the quality of pembayang which is more often than not a matter of preference.

There are few entries in this blog that you can refer to on those topics, and there’s plenty of rujukan also out there both online and on the shelf, just know how to find your sources.

That cover much of the foundation, so let’s go to the second part i.e. raya. Pantun raya by its obvious name will definitely revolve around raya. As what about raya, I guess there’s plenty of thing that could be talked about. But the common one includes:

  1. Wishes/ucapan

  2. Apology or forgiveness/ Permohonan maaf atau kemaafan

  3. Prayer/wish for happiness (Pengharapan semoga berbahagia)

  4. Raya food-related including invitation to feast

  5. Raya attire-related

  6. General description of raya including the ambience, the celebration and whatnots.

If we are going to make an exhaustive list, I bet it could be an awesome effort, perhaps for another time. But the main point will be, whatever you can think of that in one way or another related to raya, can be used to make a pantun raya.

2020 and 2021 see covid19 pandemic interferes with the raya celebration, therefore there are pantun created to address the prohibition from going back to village, to travel and raya visit and an increase in virtual raya-related theme.

Here's an example of it from our discussion in part 1:

#10b Sekotak mancis secawan madu, Selautan kasih seluas rindu, Salam lebaran ucapan buatmu, Lepas PKP kita kan bertemu.

These topics though (in my opinion) ought to be used as a part of the maksud, and never the pembayang. This is to avoid a blurry division between the pembayang and maksud and to avoid the pembayang to be read as continuous with the maksud. If this is to happen, then it will fail to be a pantun and the best it could be is either seloka or karangan berangkap.

!!!Others may have different point of view, feel free to drop yours.

So, let’s see what are the characteristics a pantun raya should (or ought to?) possess:

1. Pembayang yang tidak terlalu obvious

Pembayang pantun raya sebaiknya tidak terlalu obvious atau tidak berjalin langsung secara terang-terangan dengan maksud. Walaupun pembayang hendak menggunakan tema raya sendiri. For me this is among the misconception of pantun raya. Pantun raya je mesti pembayang pasal ketupat la, rendang, pasal minta maaf, so on and so forth.

Such as this one from the first part:

Tangan dihulur maaf dipohon, Tanda ikhlas mensucikan diri, Salah dan silap harap diampun, Semoga berbahagia di Aidilfitri

In the example above, it is obvious that the first line is content/meaning-wise continuous until the third line. So, in a way it can be deemed as a fail attempt at making a proper pembayang.

I guess it’s okay to have your pembayang to have some raya theme/vibes, but most that try this end up making the whole 4 lines of the pantun looks like the maksud. The pembayang seems to be one with the maksud in a way not (supposedly) intended.

A possible pantun from part 1 that could fit this criterion would be:

Kian berlabuh tirai Ramadhan, Lambaian Syawal kian dinanti; Luhur hati ikhlas kemaafan, Semoga kesalahan dapat dimaafi

From our sample of pantun raya UM in part 1, here’s few examples that I could say meet the first criteria:

#6 Sungai disusur sehari-hari, Dalam gelap menangkap ikan, Kami menyusun sepuluh jari, Salah dan silap harap dimaafkan. #10b Sekotak mancis secawan madu, Selautan kasih seluas rindu, Salam lebaran ucapan buatmu, Lepas PKP kita kan bertemu. #12c** Jalan berteman bersama mualaf, Jalan raya tidak bertepi; Warga APM memohon maaf, Selamat Hari Raya dalam PKP.

**walaupun macam agak tiber, kalau tengok context keseluruhan 3 rangkap tu

Kita salinkan beberapa pantun yang pada saya boleh dijadikan contoh:

Jemur mengkuang di tengah laman, Siang berpanas malam berembun; Syawal yang indah sudah menjelang, Jauh dan dekat datang berhimpun.

This is taken from pantun from lagu warna-warni Aidilfitri. I know rima baris pertama dan ketiga agak sesuatu, but I have discussed about this anomaly in rhyme in OTHER ENTRY. Feel free to head there.

Asam paya buahnya manis, Bawa dari Sungai Tongkang; Pagi raya duduk menangis, Mengenang diri di rantau orang. Burung puyuh meniti batang, Batang manggis condong ke paya; Kebaya labuh bersanggul lintang, Senyum manis di pagi raya.

Both of these are taken from Kurik Kundi Merah Saga. See how the pembayang is not directly linked to the maksud. There's no way you can link the first and second line to the third and last, thus you can never argue or in doubt that the pembayang is part of maksud.

Sayang Cik Esah pergi Klebang, Hendak membeli ikan petutu; Hari Raya menjelang datang, Jahat dan baik semua bersatu. Pergi mengail ikan cencaru, Ikan gelama datang sekawan; Baju baru seluar baru, Jalan bersama berkawan-kawan. Pokok kelubi asam paya, Tumbuh serumpun tepi kali; Sudah adat berhari raya, Ia datang setahun sekali. Asam paya tumbuh serumpun, Berselang dengan pohon rambai; Mohon maaf dengan ampun, Air mata jatuh berjurai. Bila dikenang zaman dahulu, Hari yang sayu bertambah pilu; Minta maaf ayah dan ibu, Makan bersama wajik bahulu. Sayang Cik Zainal ke Simpang Empat, Sambil membawa petai sepapan; Daging rendang serta ketupat, Hari raya kita raikan.

The last six pantuns are taken from 1000 Pantun Dondang Sayang by JKKN.

2. Baris maksud tidak dibazirkan dengan pengulangan atau penekanan satu konsep/tema.

Contoh kalau baris ketiga cakap ikhlas memohon maaf, baris keempat cakap semoga maaf diterima. I mean terpulang, but ada pembaziran di situ lagi-lagi kalau nak bagi serangkap pantun empat kerat. Kalau bagi 5 rangkap, ok la. Rangkap 1 pasal raya nak datang, rangkap dua minta maaf, rangkap tiga pasal juadah raya mungkin, rangkap empat pasal kemeriahan, rngkap lima pasal kunjung mengunjung. So kalau banyak rangkap nak bazirkan line, ok je.


#1 Kian berlabuh tirai Ramadhan, Lambaian Syawal kian dinanti; Luhur hati ikhlas kemaafan, Semoga kesalahan dapat dimaafi

Pada baris ketiga dah signify hasrat pemantun untuk memohon maaf, kemudian pada baris keempat diberi penekanan lagi supaya kesalahan dapat dimaafi. There’s nothing wrong with it, cuma for me jadi kurang efficient especially considereing dalam wish tu satu rangkap ini sahaja.

Pantun yang boleh dijadikan contoh:

#5 Tangan dihulur maaf dipohon, Tanda ikhlas mensucikan diri, Salah dan silap harap diampun, Semoga berbahagia di Aidilfitri

Tapi pembayang dia macam boleh dimurnikan lagi kalau mengikut kriteria pertama.

Nuri hinggap di atas pohon, Hinggap mari dahan berduri, Salah dan silap harap diampun, Semoga berbahagia di Aidilfitri

3. Seboleh mungkin pantun tidak time-specific.

By time-specific tu maksudnya pantun tu hanya make sense kalau diungkapkan atau dibaca pada waktu-waktu tertentu. Kalau pantun raya ni contohnya frasa atau keyword seperti menjelang tiba, dinanti, beransur pergi, atau ucapan ikhlas di pagi raya, membuatkan pantun tu masuk akal kalau dibaca sesuai dengan ruang masa yang ditentukan oleh frasa-frasa tersebut.

Sebagai contoh:

Kian berlabuh tirai Ramadhan, Lambaian Syawal kian dinanti; Luhur hati ikhlas kemaafan, Semoga kesalahan dapat dimaafi

The first line “kian berlabuh tirai Ramadhan” makes the pantun to only make sense when given few days before raya. It won’t make sense if you are to give it on raya ke-4 or even on early part of Ramadhan. Baru puasa 3 hari tiba-tiba “kian berlabuh tirai Ramadan”.

Gemersik takbir mengundang hiba, Salam diutus tanda ingatan, Syawal dinanti menjelang tiba, Salam diutus pohon kemaafan.

In the third line, “Syawal dinanti menjelang tiba” indicates that syawal/raya is coming. So again, it won’t make sense if it is given on Syawal, or early part of Ramadan.

Tak salah pun nak buat pantun yang time-specific, cuma penggunaannya limited. Let’s say kau ada pantun ni yang hanya make sense diucapkan pada malam raya. Tiba-tiba esok, ada nak wish kawan lain, tak boleh dah pakai pantun yang sama. Kalau tiba-tiba nak wish raya ke-6? Masuk akal ke kalau pantun ada frasa “syawal menjelang tiba”?

Ia akan jadi isu jika pantun digunakan dalam rekaan/design poster. Yang terbaik kita nak pakai poster yang dah dibuat untuk semua orang yang kita nak wish. Kalau jadi isu di atas, yang memerlukan kita edit pantun dalam poster tu, akan jadi satu hal. It’s okay if you’re handy bab-bab editing, but for those that are not, then the best way will be to have a pantun that is not time-specific.

That’s pretty much about it. Perhaps there are other criteria that I missed or yet to discover, however for this time around, 3 characteristics will be adequate.

In summary:

  1. Be careful with the pembayang, don’t make it too obvious.

  2. Make it efficient, put as much message in a rangkap. Or use more rangkap.

  3. Try not to make it time-specific, unless of course intended to be time-specific.

Hope this helps and add on some input on pantun. Be sure to follow us of our Facebook and Instagram. We will make sure to add more entries regularly (finger crossed). If there’s any interesting topic on pantun that you wanted to see discussed here in Pantun & Stuffs, do drop us a message.

Till then.



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